


Andrea Dyer
3200ISO B&W 120

If you don't know Andrea Dyer, you really should. Basically, she took me under her arms when I first picked up a camera and would shoot local shows for a DIY zine publication by the name of 'Currents'. She would hook me up with all these shows and in between sets I would run out to the touring bands with her to catch a quick interview. I could probably write a short novel on the amount of work we did together while I was still in high school and here I am only 2 months away from graduating college. Since then she has been working her butt off with Invisible Children touring all over the US of A raising awareness and funds. She has just recently returned back home and I am glad I got to get out to Hamilton for 3 cups of coffee with her.


Anonymous said...

oh, thank you so much :D i really really like your blog, too. love the photos. great work.

Brent Goldsmith said...

Thank-you kindly for the feedback!

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